BLM Movement 2020: Little Help Will Go A Long Way

These times have been a bit overwhelming for me to say the least.
As you have probably seen on the news.. riots are breaking out everywhere in the cities.
In Los Angeles, they have broken out in Beverly Hills, Downtown LA, Santa Ana, & just recently, Koreatown area where I am hearing police sirens go off every couple hours.
Other cities include: Atlanta, Minneapolis, New York, Miami, Seattle, Cleveland, Dallas, Washington D.C. to name a few.
And it saddens me to see people suffering & in pain. It’s absolutely heart breaking.
However, while I do not condone violence, I also know that these protests are very much needed in our times today.
I also thought I’d mention that while I also stand by the black community, I feel the loots are unnecessary and uncalled for because it makes the black community look bad. These people are resorting to pure chaos & violence that will not solve the issue at hand.
It’s not for justice & humanity, but for pure greed & lack of moral integrity is one thing I cannot tolerate.

As a sociology graduate, witnessing this pandemonium unravel (on top of COVID pandemic) saddens me but gives me hope in the future as well. I know, sometimes for myself, I struggle to show my support although I feel it in me. And so, these times have become somewhat of a blessing in disguise as I reevaluate my stance & values & the ways in which I can further support the POC community & incorporate that into my lifestyle.

Needless to say, though I know this fight for the black community; I stand by them as they express their frustration & suffering. I can not continue about my day without expressing my support for them in which way I can.

Because I am almost positive there will be massive change to repair & comfort those feel broken.
And though this change may not entirely eradicate systems of oppression, I know we are one step closer to where we need to be.

For those, like myself, who have not attended any protests, any efforts of support (big or small) makes all the difference. Every effort is worthwhile.
Below are some of the ways you can participate/ support:

  • sign petitions
  • post on social media
  • start meaningful & thought provoking conversation about race
  • provide any sort of emotional support for the black community
  • begin researching
  • donate to black non-profits

My first chosen non-profit to donate to was Black Visions Collective. Black Visions’s mission is to incorporate self healing behind the strive for black liberation. Freedom starts with the self & and so their missions allow individuals to speak up for themselves & the community. Funds will help national coalitions & campaigns needed for long-term change. You can find out more about Black Visions Collective here.

The second is Black Girls Code. Black Girls Code’s mission is to help increase black female involvement in the STEM field through exposure to computer science and technology. This will allow black females opportunities to fill computing job openings and increase African American representation within the STEM field. I completely support the development of black females lives. You can find out more about Black Girls Code here.

Lastly, the third was Reclaim the Block, which is an extension of Black Visions Collective within the Minneapolis area. Reclaim the Block pushes for community-led initiatives reducing reliance on police force. Reclaim the block will also provide support to those with addictions while help fund for the shortfalls of COVID 19. Donations will go towards paying local artists, offering food at community meetings, making copies, and more. to allow for safer and healthier spaces within the community.

Thanks for reading ya’ll & remember these times are crucial & so whichever way you may support, MATTERS.

much much love x Lo


  1. Thank you for this post. I live in the Minneapolis metropolitan area where this all really started. Thank you for sharing the charities you’re donating to as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s really heartbreaking. Thank you for this. please check out my recent blog post on racism in america to help promote a change ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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